Have you ever put money away and forgot about it? I bet that when you came across it you paused to try and remember how and when you placed it there, or if you even did. It’s happened to me a few dozen times. It always shows up just when you need it though, doesn’t it?

By now you have figured out that I love writing. True, I’m not exactly ready for publication just yet with all the errors I make and my self-diagnosed dyslexia, but I love it none the less.

I’ve been writing since 3rd form, or grade 9 as some refer to it; making up poems and stories as I explored the avenues of imagination. In recent times, just prior to blogging, I began to express the inner workings of my mind through analogies and creative writing. I would sit up at past midnight in front of my computer and just let the thoughts flow out through my finger tips.

Emotional strain can result in the best or worst work, dependent on the purpose of a piece. Never become emotionally involved in academic or journalist writing. However, poetry, persuasion, narratives and creative pieces build off the writer’s emotion which can result in something beautiful. Those long nights of writing or solemn days spent in thought have turned out to now be a blessing to me.

Often I take up a piece I forgot I had written, or whose content I had forgotten and I find myself thinking, “Did I really write that?” You must be wondering what of the contents usually surprise me. Well, the pieces oft appear just when I need those words of inspiration as a reminder. I then think, “God, did you make me write that so I could find it now?”

Just like a lost coin or bill, it appears just the time I need it most. This past Christmas, I was flipping though a notebook I had written a sermon in a few years back. At the time I was a little depressed because I didn’t feel very loved. In that old book I found a strange abbreviation that I couldn’t recall the significance of. There in the sermon appeal, in every  line were the letters B I L Y. Inspecting the sermon more closely I soon realized that the letters represented the title of the sermon which I couldn’t be bothered to write over and over again; BILY- But I Love You. That’s all it meant. Four little words written years ago, by me, forgotten until the moment I might I needed them most. Just like a “lost” coin.

God often gives us lessons today that he wants us have when we need them most. Ever wonder why the AY law says to “Keep the Morning Watch” and :”Keep a song in my heart”? You are storing up coins for a later date, coins you may forget until you need them most. It’s OK to lose a dollar in your house/wallet/bag; maybe you’ll find it just when you need it most.

P.S. BILY-Alana

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