Seems like a simple enough task doesn’t it? Just write… so short and to the point. Clear, concise, no beating around the bush. Just write.

Sadly, though it sounds so simple, it’s not. I like to fancy myself a writer. I’ve said it many times on this blog in fact, to the point where I’m probably sounding conceited. But, the truth is, it’s hard.

Many Friday evenings I sit before the blank writing page on WordPress asking myself  “What you going to write this time?” Most times I spend an hour or two idling because I can’t figure out the answer. (This is why my posts are never on time even though every week I promise myself I’ll post before 8pm.) The answer often only comes after I realize it’s getting too late and I haven’t even written the first word, even when I’ve had the topic in mind for weeks.

It’s then I remember that I forgot to pray for inspiration.

Do you know that text that says, “All scripture is given by inspiration from God?” Or that other one that says the “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit?” I learnt a while back that no matter how awesome I think I am at writing, or how many compliments I get on my writing skill, (please note this has nothing to do with my skill at spelling) without the Holy Spirit’s inspiration whatever I attempt to write either makes absolutely no sense or doesn’t get written at all.

I had a secular poetry show earlier this year and I being me thought I didn’t need to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to write about myself for entertainment purposes. Would you believe it that until I swallowed my pride and prayed not one verse could be written?

You must be wondering why I’m here talking about myself again and what’s the point of all this? Simple. We can do nothing without God. All inspiration comes from Him. You know that other Bible verse that says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ?” I’d like you to think of it another way.

“I can do nothing without Christ, for He is my strength.”

We often think we, in our amazingly, extraordinary human state, can do anything we set our minds to, all by our own might; but the sad reality is that without God we can do nothing, even if we a good at it, even if it’s our God-given talent.

Take for example owning a car. Just because you own it doesn’t mean it will always drive. It needs gas for that. The same goes for our gifts and talents. We have the abilities but without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they won’t work very well.

So next time you sit down to do something (or stand), even if you’re good at it, remember to ask the Holy Spirit for help and guidance. It won’t hurt. It won’t backfire. That I can promise you.

P.S. If God gave you your gifts, don’t you think he can use them better than you can.

One thought on “Just Write

  1. I like how simply put your thoughts are this week but really profound. We can do nothing without God because indeed He strengthens us. And He grant us our gifts, so he can use them better than us. I pray that you will continue to allow the Lord to lead you and direct your path as you use your God given talents to inspire others.


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