So last week we talked about the necessity of harsh speech, but this week, we’ll do just the opposite. You see, while there is sometimes need for a “Tongue-Lashing”, as Christians we need to be mindful of how we speak to others.

For those of you who grew up in Jamaica, you would have most likely learnt the proverb,

“A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. “

It’s a something we often recited from memory; as soon as the teacher said “Repeat Proverbs 15 vs 1,” rows of children would drone out the words. Almost all of us knew it, but many of us just said it. Sure, we knew what it meant, but we couldn’t care less. For many of us, as adults it’s the same. We all know, somewhere in the deep recesses of our mind, that a calm, well-though out response has better results than words said in the heat of the moment. But, it’s so deeply buried that “a soft answer” becomes negligible knowledge.

How often do we pause to think “What would Christ want me to say?” Or “What would his response be?” before we let our tongues start flying? Do we ever pause to consider the impact of how say thinks?

As Christians, Jesus calls us to be so connected with him, so dependent on the Holy Spirit,  that we will know how to respond to whatever situations we find ourselves in.

Example, Christian drivers are just as agressive and irritable as any one else in traffic or on busy streets.  If someone makes a “back turn” cutting us off or coming close to hitting our vehicles, we begin cursing and carrying on, even to the point of sprouting expletives. (Interesting point: someone us react just as volatile if someone steps on our toe (accidentally) or merely brush against us.)

Another example is our unwillingness to let things go. We have not at all grasped the concept of turning the other cheek. Rather, as soon as someone says something we deem offensive, there goes our brains again, completely shutting down, and leaving our tongues in charge.

Think for a moment, what if you had responded differently to similar situations you have found yourself in? What if you had had responded the way Christ wanted you to? Could you have been a witness to someone?

There is power in a soft answer; it’s like a magic formula for diffusing heated arguments. Think before you speak; ask yourself “What would Jesus say?” Remember the tongue is mightier than the sword; use it wisely.



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